Tanachian Optics

Tanach is an acronym. It is the traditional Jewish way to refer to the Hebrew Bible - the same words referred to by Christians as the Old Testament and by academics as the Hebrew Scriptures. The Apostolic writers of the New Testament all had a Tanachian worldview that was shaped by their God-given Jewish history and identity. This included an inherited memory of God’s covenant encounter at Mt. Sinai and a fuller revelation of Messiah and God’s restoration work on Mt. Zion. I like to think of these Apostolic writers as having “Tanachian Optics” or looking at the world through a Scripture-shaped lens. Similarly, we need a Spirit-salve for the eyes of our hearts in order to behold the beauty of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and whose inheritance is nothing less then all the nations of the world.


The Parashah Project

The Parashah Project is a Jesus-centered, bite-sized Bible study and teaching tool built in weekly installments that correspond to the ancient Jewish reading cycle of the Tanach—the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.

The Parashah Project is a way to experience the scriptures holistically, accessibly, and in unison with the global Jewish community. Over the course of a year, students of the scriptures will be able to ingest fresh, insightful, and bite-sized study content, broken into weekly portions and daily readings.